Visit our Colorado State Extension office for more news, tools and resources.

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The CSU Extension in Gilpin County helps mountain residents improve their quality of life by offering a website, classes and programs that provide unbiased, research-based information on forestry, wildfire, wildlife, mountain gardening, noxious weeds and many other issues. Through our 4-H programs, we help youth develop life skills through leadership opportunities.

Fire   arrow

Gilpin County Fire Protection

Home defensible space/fire mitigation

Evacuation preparedness

After the Fire

Pets, Horses and Livestock


  • “Wildfire! Preventing home ignition” Thought-provoking video – what you can do to keep your home from catching on fire.
  • Ember storm demonstration — a four minute video showing how a house can catch fire from flying embers in a wildfire. Three different sidings and two different roof types are tested.
  • Burning Down the House – How to Keep Your House from Burning Down in a Wildfire, from Boulder County Firefighters Association.

Additional resources

Tax and Insurance

Extension Office is Open Under Strict Guidelines

Visits are by appointment only.